
Scalable Solutions for Expanding Businesses

Scalable SolutionsOTNO Blog

It was announced last week that the United States economy added 165,000 jobs in April. In February, it was reported that American businesses had spent triple the amount on mergers and acquisitions ($219 billion) in the first month and a half of 2013 that they did in the same period of 2012. In 2008, businesses with a staff size larger than 500 employed 50.6% of the national workforce, a 5% increase from 1988.

As U.S. businesses continue to grow, so will their on-site IT infrastructures and IT departments. Large on-site infrastructures and IT departments can be complicated, expensive, and difficult to manage, however. The costs of purchasing hardware and software and hiring IT personnel by themselves can be enough to impede or reverse the growth of a business, for example.

Another problem with on-site infrastructures and personnel is that they aren’t flexible enough to keep up with rapidly growing businesses. When expanding an on-site IT infrastructure, for example, a big company has to redesign and recalibrate its systems and networks; research, purchase, and transport a sizable amount of hardware; and perform a large number of installations and integrations. As a result, it can take several months to upgrade or alter the on-site IT infrastructure of a large business. Meanwhile, adding new personnel to an on-site IT department takes an average of 7.7 weeks and costs $4,000 per hire. From these examples, it’s easy to see how a slow-to-adapt on-site IT infrastructure can hold back a rapidly-growing business.

Businesses that want an IT infrastructure that can quickly and easily expand and support any level of growth should sign up for a hosted IT infrastructure from IronOrbit. A hosted IT infrastructure from IronOrbit is the best option for a large or growing business because:

-It’s capable of completely replacing an enterprise-level, on-site IT infrastructure. Though many businesses utilize a hosted IT infrastructure from IronOrbit just to deploy a specialty application or two, our hosted IT infrastructure is capable of a lot more. It can replace an entire on-site IT infrastructure. Anything that can be hosted on an on-site IT infrastructure—applications, virtual desktops, email, SharePoint, VoIP, etc.—can be hosted on an IronOrbit hosted IT infrastructure, as well.

-It doesn’t require any on-site IT personnel. Businesses that sign up for infrastructure hosting from IronOrbit don’t need to hire any on-site IT personnel. We provide all the monitoring, maintenance, management, security, and technical support required by the hosted IT infrastructure. Our personnel are available 24x7x365 and work around-the-clock to maintain the speed, security, and reliability of a business’s hosted IT infrastructure at its highest levels.

-IronOrbit hosted IT infrastructures are highly scalable. A business can add any amount of users and computing resources (processing power, storage capacity, and bandwidth) to its hosted IT infrastructure at any time. Also, it generally only takes a few seconds to deploy an application with an IronOrbit hosted IT infrastructure. In addition, if a business wants to streamline its IT infrastructure, our hosted IT infrastructure can also be scaled down.

An IronOrbit hosted IT infrastructure is an infrastructure that a large or rapidly-expanding businesses can depend on. The scalability of our infrastructure hosting allows it to support any type of business—no matter how sizable or complex—and any rate of change—no matter how fast or in what direction. Along with our hosted IT infrastructures, businesses of all sizes can benefit from a wide variety of hosted solutions offered by IronOrbit including hosted desktop infrastructures, application hosting, SharePoint hosting, QuickBooks hosting, EMR hosting, and VoIP. All of these solutions include 24x7x365 technical support, around-the-clock performance monitoring, Orbital Security, AST Speed Technology, managed backups, and low, flat monthly fees. To sign up today, contact a helpful IronOrbit sales representative.