
FREE Email Encryption for Your Business


Between now and May 31st, IronOrbit is offering FREE hosted email encryption to small and medium sized businesses (SMBs). To take advantage of this promotion, contact an IronOrbit representative at (888) 753-5060 today!

In honor of National Small Business Week, which ran from May 12th to May 16th, we at IronOrbit recently announced a promotion, lasting until May 31st, offering free hosted email encryption to SMBs. What we hope to accomplish with this promotion is this: first, to demonstrate our appreciation for our clients, many of whom are SMBs; second, to raise awareness of the importance of encrypting one’s emails; and third, to increase the security of our clients’ email accounts.

The #1 Choice of SMBs for All-in-One Hosted IT Solutions

IronOrbit is a provider of fully-managed and -supported Desktop as a Service (DaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions. All of our solutions come with 24x7x365 technical support, comprehensive IT security (firewall, IDS/IPS, antivirus, etc.), and managed data backups. They let businesses centrally host and manage all of their files and applications, and do it without having to purchase and maintain any onsite servers or hire any on-premise IT personnel.

Our DaaS and IaaS solutions are used by businesses of all sizes (from small businesses with less than 15 workers to government laboratories with 6,000+ employees and public universities with 40,000+ students) and in many industries (such as healthcare, legal, finance, retail, construction, manufacturing, and government). SMBs benefit more than other types of businesses from signing up for our solutions, however, because IronOrbit DaaS and IaaS are faster and more secure and reliable than anything an SMB could afford to build and maintain by itself, despite also being more cost-efficient and convenient. Our SMB clients, of which there are hundreds, include physicians’ offices, small law firms, and CPAs.

Email Encryption: Why SMBs Need It

IronOrbit solutions are thoroughly protected from external security threats with 24x7x365 monitoring, firewalls, gateway antivirus, IDS/IPS, and content filtering. In the unlikely event of a security breach, however, we also want to make it as difficult as possible—if not impossible—for hackers to steal our clients’ data. This is why we recommend our clients use email encryption, which prevent hackers from being able to read the emails they gain access to. According to the Ponemon Institute, while 75 percent of the average business’s intellectual property is stored in email bodies and attachments, only 50 percent of businesses use email encryption—despite the fact that more than half of IT professionals view insecure email practices as their organization’s main source of data loss, or that 69 percent of them have observed their colleagues using insecure email to transfer sensitive information.

“Email is a weak spot for many small businesses that exchange unprotected messages with clients and providers,” said Alexander Saca, IronOrbit CEO, in the press release that announced the promotion. “Many assume that they are safe enough, until their important data is compromised. Events like these can leave a real dent in an SMB’s budget.”

Our FREE Hosted Email Encryption Solution

The free email encryption solution that IronOrbit is offering is a hosted or cloud-based solution. The advantages of hosted email encryption solutions are that they don’t require the purchase of any hardware (hardware firewalls with anti-spam and email encryption features cost upwards of $500) or software; that they can be used from any location; and that they centralize and automate management of encryption keys. In addition, the hosted email encryption solution that we’re offering is a Barracuda Networks product, and Barracuda Networks is a leading developer and manufacturer of state-of-the-art network security solutions. The advantage of this Barracuda Networks product in particular is that it encrypts emails not only in-transit (via a TLS connection) but also once they are received and stored (with AES-256 encryption), preventing hackers from being able to access the content of emails regardless of how or where they obtain them.

How to Get It

To obtain FREE hosted email encryption for your business, or to learn more about the restrictions and details of this promotion, contact IronOrbit at (714) 777-3222 today!