
Virtual Desktop Architectures for Enterprises

Architectures Enterprises Blog

Previous posts have discussed the various features of a hosted virtual desktop, and the benefits of choosing a hosted desktop infrastructure for your business. But with so many options out there, how do you determine which hosted desktop architecture is right for your enterprise? The following are three of the most commonly used hosted desktop architectures:

  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure. When most people think of a hosted desktop, they are thinking of a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). A VDI is a hosted desktop architecture where a user’s desktop is virtualized, stored on a remote server (usually managed by a hosting provider), and accessed over a network using an Internet-enabled device (such as a desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet). A hosted VDI is perfect hosted desktop architecture for enterprises because it is highly centralized, allowing users to access the exact same version of their desktop from anywhere.
  • Remote Desktop Services. Remote Desktop Services (also known as Terminal Services), a type of remote desktop virtualization, are similar to a VDI, allowing users to access their hosted virtual desktop using a remote device via a network. Unlike a VDI, where each user is assigned their own unique desktop operating system, with Remote Desktop Services users share an operating system. Additionally, Remote Desktop Services can deliver individual applications as opposed to full desktops, while a VDI delivers a complete hosted virtual desktop experience. Remote Desktop Services have a good hosted desktop architecture for enterprises looking for better control over their hosted desktop solution, rather than allocating more control to the end-user.
  • Desktop as a Service. When an enterprise chooses Desktop as a Service for their hosted desktop infrastructure, they are getting an infrastructure that is fully managed by a provider. The service provider provisions and maintains the equipment a client’s hosted desktops are stored on, as well as any software the client needs (including updating software programs and licenses as needed).

At IronOrbit, we offer multiple hosted virtual desktop solutions so that our clients can find a solution that works best for their needs. Each hosted desktop solution is designed, built, and managed to meet your business’s unique needs. All IronOrbit hosted desktop solutions are fully managed, equipped with Atomic Speed Technology, and come backed by Orbital Security and 24x7x365 IT support, making them the fastest and most secure hosted virtual desktops on the market. Contact a sales representative to learn more about our desktop virtualization services or to sign up for a hosted virtual desktop solution today.