
Select IronOrbit for Healthcare Managed Server Hosting

Healthcare Managed Server OTNO Blog

A server is a powerful, high-capacity computer that performs tasks and stores data for devices that it shares a network or connection with. Most businesses use servers to host applications and files. This makes the applications and files easier to access, manage, and secure than if they had been installed or stored on the hard drives of multiple, individual PCs. Even better than a self-managed, on-site server is a hosted server, which is set up and maintained by an off-site hosting company. A hosted server—which is a web-based solution—can be accessed from anywhere with any Internet-connected device (including tablets and smartphones). It doesn’t require the purchase of any expensive on-site IT hardware or the hiring of any on-premise IT personnel—the procurement, setup, and maintenance of the physical server will be taken care of by the hosting company. Managing, securing, troubleshooting, and backing the hosted server will still be the responsibility of the client, however, unless a business signs up for managed server hosting.

A type of business that would benefit especially from managed server hosting is a large healthcare company. This is because the main IT requirements of big healthcare firms are:

  • Excellent privacy and security. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires healthcare businesses to protect electronic patient data with IT security measures such as firewalls, antivirus, and file encryption.
  • Low, predictable costs. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) puts added pressure on large healthcare organizations to lower their expenses as much as possible. The uncertainty surrounding the possible effects of the ACA also rewards companies that are able to stabilize their costs.
  • Anywhere-accessibility. If a healthcare organization has electronic patient files, it has to somehow make those files available to the laptops and tablet computers of doctors as they move from room to room, patient to patient.
  • Flexibility. Employees in large healthcare organizations do more than just practice medicine—they perform administrative and recordkeeping tasks; advertise; purchase equipment, machines, and supplies; and process transactions, too. So they need an IT infrastructure that can host any application, as well as host multiple applications at once.
  • Scalability. Large healthcare businesses add new patients to their systems every day. They can’t delete the data of older, inactive patients to make room for the new ones, however, because they are required by law to maintain health records for a certain period of time. Consequently, they need an IT infrastructure with the ability to increase—or scale up—its storage capacity without causing a disruption to the existing system.

It’s rare for a provider of managed hosted services to be able to fulfill all of these requirements; IronOrbit’s Managed Server Hosting, however, has the security, cost-efficiency, accessibility, flexibility, and scalability to do just that:

-We protect all of our Managed Hosting Services with HIPAA-compliant Orbital Security (firewalls, antivirus, IPS/IDS, patch management, file encryption, and data backups).

-Our Managed Hosting Services cost only a low, flat monthly fee.

-IronOrbit Managed Server Hosting Solutions are capable of being accessed from anywhere with any Internet-connected device.

-Businesses can host any application they want on an IronOrbit Managed Hosted Server—it’s compatible with all genres, programming languages, and brands.

IronOrbit Managed Server Hosting solutions, built with our custom-developed AST Speed architecture, are fully-scalable.

To boost the IT security, lower the IT costs, maintain HIPAA and ACA compliance, and increase the IT availability of your large healthcare organization, sign up for IronOrbit Managed Server Hosting today.