
Increase Mobility and Maintain Security with a Hosted Desktop Solution

Increase Mobility with HD OTNO Blog

Businesses demonstrate “mobility” when their employees can access their files, emails, and/or applications from anywhere via the Internet (including web-enabled mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones). Mobility benefits companies in several ways: first, it gives businesses the opportunity to establish a single, centralized IT infrastructure that can be accessed by employees everywhere (helpful if the company has multiple offices or if its workers travel or telecommute on a regular basis); second, by letting users access high-performance and full-featured IT resources from anywhere, mobility adds up to nine hours of productivity per employee per week; and third, it makes the business more attractive to higher-echelon young job applicants, who expect—much more than employees that grew up in an era before commercially-available mobile technologies—to be able to access their files, emails, and applications from their smartphones and tablets no matter where they are.

Businesses that decide to remain an “immobile” organization—retaining their on-site IT infrastructure, which can only be accessed from an on-premise workstation, and refusing to allow employees to access their files and applications remotely and/or from personal devices—do so because of security concerns. They believe that by extending the accessibility of their IT infrastructure to authorized users everywhere, they also open themselves up to unauthorized access by cybercriminals. But the truth is that the mobile-ready applications, virtual desktops, and infrastructures of an external hosting provider are actually more secure than the cloistered solutions delivered by a self-hosted, on-site IT infrastructure.

For the most part, hosted solutions (including hosted desktop infrastructures, virtual hosted desktop infrastructures, and cloud hosted desktop infrastructures) are more secure than on-site IT solutions because of how they are managed. For example, each IronOrbit hosted solution is protected by a combination of firewalls, file encryption, IPS/IDS, antivirus software, and SPAM blockers. Not only are our hosted solutions well-protected, they are also monitored 24x7x365 by our keen-eyed and experienced personnel, which gives us the ability to respond to potential security threats or breaches before the hacker or malware can do any damage. The security of most on-site IT infrastructures is limited in comparison—it usually amounts to nothing more than a firewall and perhaps a single on-site IT specialist (who’s restricted to 40-hour weekly availability).

For an IT solution that’s the most effective combination of mobility and security, businesses should select a Hosted Desktop Solution from IronOrbit. An IronOrbit Hosted Desktop appears and performs just like a Windows desktop operating system. Each user is assigned to their own permanent hosted desktop—which retains all of their files and settings—and accesses it via the Internet from any device (including smartphones, tablets, thin clients, and Apple PCs). In a way, a Hosted Desktop Infrastructure is the ultimate mobile IT solution because it provides users with the ability to remotely access all of their files, emails, and applications in a single program—when these things would normally have to be separately hosted and paid for in the form of a file storage service, web-based email inbox, and hosted application. We protect our Hosted Desktop Solutions with our advanced Orbital Security System. All of the data in a Hosted Desktop Infrastructure remains on our servers—so even if a user’s device is stolen, the thief won’t be able to extract a business’s sensitive data onto a hard drive.

To get started with a 30 day free trial of Hosted Desktops, contact a helpful IronOrbit sales representative today!